My chitti's family is one enthu kudumbam in Bengalooru. Chitti's daughter is a talented singer, emcee, song-composer, dancer.... Every year their Golu is based on a particular theme. Last year it was Andal kalyanam. This year their theme is the story of Pundaleeka. The interesting aspect is that they make a whole lot of dolls for the theme, themselves and decorate them accordingly. I have posted pictures from their Golu for my readers. Enjoy!
PUNDALEEKA According to legend there was this Krishna devotee called Pundaleeka whose main virtue was tha
t he took extremely good care of his aged parents.
Scene 1: To test him, Krishna decides to reveal himself and descends one night on his doorstep. Pundaleeka (busy pressing his father's feet), throws a brick outside, signaling the Lord to halt right there.
(his parents being in deep slumber, he just couldn't appreciate any sort of disturbance then). Krishna stands there for a really long time on that impression of His divine feet get engraved in it ('iitige mele kalu oorida krishna" -devaranama by purandara dasa. Ittige in kannada means brick)

Scene2: A tear-filled Pundaleeka rushes out and falls at the lord's feet. Apologises for not having been hospitable to Him and clarifies that his parents hadn't slept this well in weeks, so he couldn't allow the lord to enter. Krishna, bowled over by his parental devotion sanctions him a boon. Pundaleeka says "Everyday i carry my parents to the river which is far off. They find it tough to bear the heat and dust. If only there was a water-body nearby, it would significantly ease their discomfort" .
Scene3: Krishna then changes the course of the Bhima river and makes it flow right at the doorstep of this boy (it flows in the form of a half-moon and is popularly known as Chandrabagha river.)

Scene4: The Rukmani-Panduranga kshetram in Pandharpur. Supposedly that's where Pundaleeka lived

The boy and his parents get Darshan of The Almighty with his consort and all of them reach heaven.
Moral of the story: Parents are everything. Priority-wise they even precede the master of the universe. They are your jeeta-jaagta Gods. Worship them.
7 Responses:
Very Interesting!
very nice and interesting ..
Should have done a hard work displaying the scenes in detail.Thanks for sharing.
Its my first visit to ur blog.
ellam sooper...
...unga chithi n.india la irundhaangala...illa..saami dress aa paatha n.indian maari irukku...adhan keten...
Anyways, yeah a valid point in the moral of the story - parents are everything in life.
Very beautiful. I have heard Aruna Sairam sing an abhang that goes: Pandaricha VAsa ChandrabhAge Shyama. Now the meaning appears to be reveal itself.
Very interesting article. Photos can be in detail as per your explanations.
So nice - the story, the execution and the display. Congratulations!
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