The Bandra Worli sealink [okay okay Rajiv Gandhi bridge or whatever it is called ] is a complete engineering marvel. Its an amazing experience to drive on the seabridge that connects Bandra and Worli. There I was yesterday with seven of my colleagues driving towards Bandra in the evening in the office vandi. And everybody who drove past us, drove with us had this victorious "Isn't-this-wonderful?" look on their faces.
If I were to put it in Tamizh, Mei silirthupochu during the drive.

On the eve of the inauguration of the bridge there was an ok-ok laser show and fireworks which I managed to shoot from my balcony.
A lot of my colleagues took the bridge in the morning after the inauguration came back annoyed with the traffic jam. There are no toll taxes for five days and its free for all till then. Obviously everyone who wanted to experience it on the very first day was there.
We were stuck on Worli seaface for almost 45 minutes and as we got on to the sealink, the jam wasn't all that bad. We realised that the jam before getting on the bridge was not because of the number of vehicles heading towards the sealink but because of the people who were stopping ON THE BRIDGE to click pictures with their mamma, pappa, doggie, neighbour, cat, friend, girl friend etc. And there were smart a#$%^ who took a u-turn midway causing further jams.. all this at midnight. I was/ am annoyed. Why the blame the Governmet, cops, Sonia gandhi , Rajiv Gandhi, CM for the 'BAD TRAFFIC' management when its junta like us - the pappus, nileshes, mehtas, parulekars and sharmas who have caused / causing this mess? I wont be surprised if you see redddddd paan stains on both sides of the sealink after a couple of days [and the arabian sea turning RED in a couple of days] People have no civic sense, driving sense.. No sense absolutely!
Here's a collage of the pictures i took last night of all the pappus whose facebook / orkut messages today will read "I stpd n sealnk n clckd pic hre, pappu"
[All the cars on the left extreme left belong to the pappus]

If you find such a message on any of the social networking groups, make sure you slap that person NOW!
10 Responses:
i was waiting to hear about the link from you!!
i was so amused by the traffic jam on it ..near it and so on
I take abacharam at the fact that you have mentioned Iyers... Iyers are nice folks....
So right...Govt is not ENTIRELY responsible for the mess! As for the shutterbug lovers who pose anywhere and everywhere,God help them! Hope they don't end up being the victims of Pic Paranoia!
//// I wont be surprised if you see redddddd paan stains on both sides of the sealink after a couple of days [and the arabian sea turning RED in a couple of days] ////
I almost fell of the chair reading this !! Nothing can beat this - and it will happen!
that thing doesn't even have a median?
Have look at whats happening within a week of opening the bridge are one after my own heart. I too am SO bugged with such folks. Lack of regard for others -- I detest it.
lol@aparna while being mad as hell at those pappus
Yes, you are absolutely right saying that Indian ppl have no civic sense. Esp the paan-gutka chewing ppl and ppl who think public places as open air urinals and spitoons!!! There some sort of strong steps should be taken against these ppl… Asides, I was told that bandra worli sea link has many security issues and gives a good gateway for terrorist infiltration. is it true?
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