What's common to Nirulas , Dilli haat, Gurgaon Malls in Delhi, MTR , Brigade road in Bangalore, Saravana Bhavan in Chennai and Mondy's, Blue Frog, Hard Rock cafe` in Mumbai?
These are all places first timers to the city visit, new brides moving to the city are taken to by their anbu purushans to show-off how hep he is 'coz he drinks beer and these people come back raving about it to fellow Mumbaikars and give you that "Oh ya I went to Mondy's .. it was aweeeesoommmmme" and aruttufy you with their I-know-everything-about-Mumbai-since-I-had-a-beer-at-Mondy's talk.
Add one more this list - Candies in Bandra / Khar.
Is it a bakery ? Is it a cafe`? Is it a restaurant? It is an all-in-all Saappadu place where you get sandwiches, coffee, tea, juices, salads, noodles, fried rice, rolls, cakes, breads , desserts etc etc.
The best part about Candies near Pali naka, Bandra is the space. In a city where five people share a match box apartment and restaurants dump chairs and tables wherever there is space, this place is indeed, a heaven.
Once you place your order and pick up the food, you can either sit at the ground floor or climb up or climb up or climb up... The space is endless. Once you are enter Candies you will never be seen outside waiting for your turn to put handkerchief on the chair to edam pidichify.
The open space upstairs is a super blessing. The food is damn good. No complaints. The prices are similar to your Baristas and Cafe` Coffee days. Sandwich - Rs.50/= , Tea - Rs.30/= Tea cake per pc -Rs.20/=
In these days of cost-cutting in office , where you sit in your azhukku seat aimlessly, brain-storming, typing slides and slides of concepts ordering the same boring tea , ordering and PAYING FOR your Dal khichdis and the chappatis, I prefer going to Candies and get the Group Manager spend some money under the pretext of team-ideation.
That's precisely what we did a couple of weeks ago when SG and team did not want to come to office on a Saturday to 'ideate' for a pitch. We met at Candies and spent some 300 odd bucks for the four of us, sat for almost 5 hours in the same table sipping some juice and mossukkufying sandwich. I wouldn't comment on whether the ideas that came out where brilliant or not but the change of location, ambience and the food definitely helped...atleast helped me say "We went to Candies to ideate yaaa" in aabees.
The happy part of Candies is the 'happy hours' post 8pm - You get a 25% discount. The annoying bit is the wait at the counter to select and pay for your food. Post 11 am on Saturdays and Sundays, there's this huuuugee rush and the Hanumar vaal queueueueue at the counter. Once you pay and get your food (self service), you will definitely get a place to sit and enjoy the food.
Weekends - Avoid this place if you are bagaasura hungry 'coz the wait at the counter can go upto almost half an hour. Have a vada pao at the road side stall for your first pasi and then enter Candies.
Welcome to Candies-

These are pics from the ground floor till Level 2. Levels 3 and 4 had lauvv birds koochi-kooing early in the morning at 8.30. The shy type me didn't want to embarrass myself. There is also a party hall available for parties, inside.
Drishti pusanikkai - 'Wall of peace' - What it means? Summa Pseud feel ..
The mini-cakes came free.. haiyya!
A must-try / buy at Candies. Mini breads - Rs.6/= a loaf - sell like hot-cakes... er.. hot-breads. Go grab it - This gets sold out in minutes.
This branch of Candies is at - McRonell Hall, St. Andrews Road, Near Pali Naka, Bandra (W), Mumbai . Phone 26424124, Home Delivery: 26422324, 26432425, 26430728 .
Candies is shut on Mondays. The other Candies' outlets are at ONGC grounds, Reclamation (opp. Leelavati Hospital) and at Khar.
Saappaturaami rating : 4.5 out of 5 .
2 Responses:
As a newbie bachelors to Delhi, we made sure we visited every possible restaurant. had been to Nirulas, Wimpys, etc.
Haldirams was neat too; crowded & different food.
U should try the rasmalai from nirulas...the frozen ones
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