We are one vetti kudumbam. When the three of us - Akka sokka, Annan guevera [please read his comment in this post - he is the inspiration behind my tele-vettis ] and I meet, we discuss the future of art families - i.e kalai kudumbams.

We are irresponsible children . Never have we discussed Amma's health, Appa's tensions, their finances, kids' future etc. Whenever we meet in Madras, our conversations are invariably around more important things like "How long has Thalaivaasal Vijay been sporting his wig?" "Where is DD Drama king Master Shridhar right now?" or the coincidence of Actress Lakshmi's # 3 and # 4 purushans in back to back serials - Kolangal and Arasi.
I kinda pity some of my friends - They discuss boring stuff like shopping and partying with their siblings....they don't call their akka-anna naaye paeeye, sheniyane. They speak with them in Inglipees...They say "I miss my sister-brother".....How boring, illa? I am glad I have an Akka sokka and Annan guevera who are un-senti fools, just like I am. (Ok both of you, where are my gifts?)
I think it is in our genes. Whenever I get a call from my parents from Madras, I know they have had an argument. No, it is not about some phamily related stuff. The conversation goes like this. Appa, "B... isn't this villian in Kalasam serial the same as the one in Mangalyam? Amma says No, they both are different. I say it is the same guy . Please do Panchayattu". I almost see one vetri punnagai in Amma's face via the phone when I tell Appa that the former is Kuduvanjeri Kumar and the latter, Kalaimamani Kumar and the conversation from mummy "Inda Appa-kku onnume teriyala... naa appolerndu sollaren ava rendu perum vera vera nnu" (Ok, I can't translate this, the essence will be lost).
Back to Akka-Annan puraanam, (to all the girlees) when was the last time your Annan gifted you something? And more specifically what was it? Let me tell you mine. Two cassettes - Award winning dialogues of Nadigar Thilagam's Thangapadakkam and Gowravam . I know it meant a lot to him to part with two of his most cherished possessions -cassettes with dialaaks of these two films which are his most favourite movies till date... films that he considers are worth ten Oscars each ( not Aascars, you fools).
Ok why am I going on and on about these two? Not just because of this stupid hope that one of them will gift me Moserbaer's five pack DVD with Sivaji's Thangapadakkam, Vietnam Veedu and Gowravam that they have been promising for years now but also because I want people to realise that they are doing major droham to Kalai-TV-Kollywood ulagam by not granting my leave.
I was / am really looking forward to meeting my Annan guevera and family this December, in a couple of days from now - to discuss many many many things. The most important on the agenda was how to take the tele-vettiness forward , on the blog. Should we do a search for Master Shridhar? Should we do a blog meet to decide the successor for Kalaimamani Pasi Sathya? What next ?
....But ... but my dear readers, my boss says that he needs to 'discuss' my leave. At work, I report to four people - functionally, technically, horizontally, vertically , financially, creatively.. etc etc. My leave application goes to one who discusses with another and the third one analyses it and the fourth one puts thought over it...hmmm... At this point in time, I don't know where my leave application stands.
I need to take four days off... to meet Annan Guevera.... to discuss Kalai kudumbams... to discuss tele-vettis... to discuss the life and times of Pollachi Babu, Mannu (mud) Ajai Ratnam, Naanjil Nalini amongst many others. But bosses say "Recession , no leave". Are they even aware of the droham they are doing to Kalaiulagam by rejecting my leave application?
Dear Blog readers, If you want to be entertained with more nonsense, more tele-vettis, more senseless stuff like this post - please help me get my four days off. Start a facebook group, an orkut community, light a candle outside your house.. er.. I meant switch on the tv tonight at 8 and... say "Blogeswari-in Sevai Kalai-ulagakku tevai" and pray ... pray for my leave before I go one last time tomorrow and stand outside my boss' cabin with a paavam face.
PS : Boss - I don't want to be like Ms. G who conveniently took off for ten days citing her mother-in-law's illness and partied in Hyderabad last Deepavali when the team was working on the relaunch. I don't want to be like many many many others in office who say "Appa-kku adi-vayathula asthama, Purushan-ku pallu-la piles and take off for a fortnight and sit at home. All I need is four days for Kalaisevai. Kedaikkuma? Enna paatha paavama illa.. Naa konjam nallavadaan.
11 Responses:
ennama pondy mention kaanum? and check out my fb message. about tele vetti, you should include even non-tamil stuff now and then. not all of us get tamil channels.
உங்க பெட்டிசின் ( சாரி!! லீவ் அப்ளிகேசன்) அப்ருவ் பண்ண சொல்லி உங்க பாஸ்- க்கு ப்லோக் உலகம் சார்பா ஒரு நோட்டீஸ் அனுப்பிட்டோம்! கவலை படவேண்டாம்!! உங்கள் கலை உலக சேவை தொடர வாழ்த்துக்கள்!! நல்ல குடும்பம்டா இது!!!
if at all ur leave gets approved try and find out the whereabouts of Master Shridhar. ( did u know he is married to baby indira)
Will pray for you, Blogeswari. To pottu amman, karumari amman, ara kaasu amman, munda kanni amman, etc etc. In yellow sari, huge pottu, veppalai... the works :D
Btw, I thought Master Sridhar was dead. Not sure.
DONE ... me shall put pettition to all KALAI deivams....
Blogeswari Pavam pa ....
he he he
//Enna paatha paavama illa.. Naa konjam nallavadaan.//
Nambittom naanga :-))
Lost the touch with DD for long time. Was Master Sridhar (and the other "Master" pugazh Sekar, Indira, Raasi) regular artist in DD dramas? :-))
Nallllllaa nadikkire. Nadigai thilagee;)
நல்ல குடும்பம்டா இது!
Your Boss email id pls :)
Yaaru anda baas? Avanukku spot vechiduren. By the by, Super Singer-la Sreenivas paadarathai kettiya? Ada ada ada!
I noticed your "enna paattha paavama illa.." punch. Engayo poitta!!
Unakku leave tharanum nu naan unna viratham pandren.
u got leave or not??
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