I speak to my Bangalore 'M' chitti over the phone, once a year and that's during Navarathri... it is a detailed conversation on the number of Golu padis she has, her theme for the year, new bommais , rangoli etc etc. With all enthusiasm, she and her super enthu daughter, my cousin 'm' explain everything in detail and send me pictures of their Golu without fail.
Before you read further , have a look at my last year's post on their Golu.
Their themes for this year were - Abhirama Battar and Jack and the bean stalk
A collage of Abhirama Battar and Goddess Abhirami with one ear ring.

Ramar, Lakshmanar and Shabhari + Raas leela...

Did you notice how well M&m have decorated the kutty dolls in pretty costumes? I wonder what their next year's theme(s) would be. Why don't you send in your ideas to them via this blog?
9 Responses:
The pictures are so nice. I have never done a 'kolu' before. But the way they have celebrated it looks so beautiful. So i'm here not suggest ideas but to steal some ideas on how to do kolu. :p
கொலு நல்லா இருக்கு ! ஐடியா தர எனக்கு சரக்கு போதாது :)
Very nice:)
real cool. btw, any unenthu/untalented folks in your family?? damn nice man...
awe inspiring
so much detail and patience
they make their own dolls? or get them made? or do you get such ones in stores?
ramya, a.bala, tees,ila - thank you!
Art - they have these kutty dolls that get transformed as Kings, queens, ramar, krishnar year after year thanks to M&m's costume designs
Ovi - :) Amma's side oreda patience and nice people
i LOVE the kite and the plate against your name
Wow golu na idhu dhaan golu.
kolu's r beautifully arranged..liked it
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