Identify the nine advertisements (some vintage, some on air now) in the picture grid.

Email your answers to blogeswari {AT } gmail {DOT} com or post it in the comments section
- Nine points to be won - One point per correct answer
- One attempt per person - One guess per advertisement, please.
- Please email your answers to blogeswari {AT} gmail {DOT} com or post them in the comments section on or before Wednesday, 28th Sep 2011
Answers for விளம்பர விளையாட்டு 34 posted on 29th September 10:30 am IST
ROW 1-
(i) Titan (Directed by Rajiv Menon. The younger sis in Minisha Lamba I’m told),
(ii) Asian Paints (the award winning commercial, music by the one and only ‘God’ Rahman, sung by Malaysia Vasudevan, directed by Rajiv Menon)
(iii) Tata Docomo – the one on air currently
(i) Limca , (ii) Icici bank (ATM), (iii) Quikrrrrrrrrrrrr
- The winners are : Sinduja Chakkrapani, Lavanya Parameshwar– 8/9 . Both Asian Paints and Airtel were tough ones. Congratulations!
- Avinash Natarajan and Rohini K– 7/9
- Dagalti , Harish V – 4/9
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